
Japanese-American Redress Collection (Northeastern Illinois University)
This digital collection contains a scanned copy of the official transcripts of the CWRIC hearings that were held on the Northeastern Illinois University campus in 1981. The 823 page transcript has been split into smaller segments in order to facilitate access to individual testimonies. Each segment has been numbered according to the order of its appearance within the larger transcript.

Hearing Before the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
The Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) held twenty days of hearings in cities throughout the United States: Anchorage, Cambridge, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. This collection is digitized from video recordings of the hearings held in Chicago at Northeastern Illinois University on September 22 and 23, 1981.

With Liberty and Justice for Some: The Case for Compensation to Japanese Americans Imprisoned during World War II Conference
In conjunction with the hearings conducted by the CWRIC, NEIU held a conference to provide the opportunity for NEIU faculty and other scholars and activists to comment upon the CWRIC and the push for reparations for incarcerated Americans. This collection is digitized from video recordings of a small portion of the conference held at NEIU, September 19 and 21, 1981, including panel discussions of personal experiences of internees and a special address by Arthur J. Goldberg, former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Additional Resources

Rabbit in the Moon | Trailer
Emiko Omori’s film, Rabbit in the Moon, reveals a more complex, turbulent and intimate story of the Japanese internment camps. Not all Japanese Americans endured their World War II internment with quiet stoicism. Not all second generation (Nisei) young men welcomed the chance to prove their patriotism by serving in the armed forces of the very government that was holding their families captive. 

Reparations l Trailer
Jon Osaki’s film about Japanese Reparations and its link to Black Reparations.  

Racism, Redress and Reparations: A Reading Guide
This reading guide provides information about books and articles on topics related to the conference. Whenever possible, links to ebooks and online versions of the readings are provided.

What is the Racial Wealth Gap? | Robert Reich
Robert Reich explains why wealth inequality is a greater problem than income inequality. 
Watch More: Economic Inequality and Racism

What If Robert Reich Told You That Immigration Reform Would SAVE Our Economy
Robert Reich explains how Immigration Reform can actually benefit our economy and breaks down common myths on the problems of immigration.

Why Black Americans Face More Obstacles
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. explains why Black Americans face more obstacles than White European immigrants.

It was much more than Tulsa
Tulsa may have been the worst of the early-20th-century race riots, but it was part of a familiar pattern. Opinion by Eugene Robinson

Wilmington on Fire
A new feature-length documentary that chronicles The Wilmington Massacre of 1898. The Wilmington Massacre of 1898 was a bloody attack on the African-American community by a heavily armed white mob with the support of the North Carolina Democratic Party on November 10, 1898 in the port city of Wilmington, North Carolina.