I. Introduction
NEIU Libraries affirms the mission of Northeastern Illinois University by providing quality resources, services, programs, and facilities that support learning, teaching, the curricular goals and accreditation of academic programs, and the scholarship of faculty, students, and staff. Given the University’s commitment to student success, the Library, in building its collections and in providing equal access to them, gives high priority to the academic success and retention of the University’s diverse student body.
This Collection Development Policy outlines the principles and guidelines governing the selection, acquisition, management, and evaluation of library materials to ensure the collection meets the academic needs of the community.
II. Goals of the Collection
The Library collection is designed to:
- Support the Curriculum: Provide resources that directly support the teaching, research, and learning objectives of undergraduate and graduate programs.
- Enhance Student Success: Offer materials that contribute to students' academic achievement, personal development, and information literacy skills.
- Promote Inclusivity: Ensure a diverse collection that reflects varied cultural, social, intellectual, and global perspectives and that accommodates a diversity of abilities, fostering an inclusive learning environment.
- Serve the Community: Include materials that encourage curiosity, personal growth, and the development of professional skills beyond the classroom.
III. Selection Criteria
Materials are selected with the following criteria in mind:
- Relevance to Curriculum: Priority is given to resources that directly support current academic programs and future anticipated growth.
- Quality of Content: Authority, accuracy, timeliness, and reputation of the author or publisher are key factors.
- Student Needs: Materials that support student success initiatives, such as academic support resources, self-help, and career development.
- Diversity and Inclusivity: Selection will reflect a range of viewpoints and voices, promoting equity and diversity.
- Cost and Sustainability: Cost-effectiveness and long-term sustainability of acquisitions are critical, ensuring the collection is a suitable use of our budget and can be maintained. Resources that contribute to this goal may be low-cost, shared, or open-access.
- Format: Print, electronic, and multimedia resources will be considered to meet varied learning preferences and accessibility needs.
IV. Types of Materials Collected
- Books (Print and E-books): Resources that support all levels of instruction and research, including textbooks and scholarly works.
- Periodicals and Journals: Subscriptions to key academic journals, primarily electronic, with an emphasis on peer-reviewed publications.
- Databases: Access to electronic databases that provide scholarly articles, multimedia content, and other resources supporting student and faculty research.
- Multimedia: Audio, video, and digital materials that enhance the learning experience and support various modes of instruction.
V. Deselection and Weeding
To maintain an up-to-date and relevant collection, the Library will regularly evaluate and weed outdated, damaged, or underused materials. Criteria for deselection include:
- Obsolete content
- Lack of use over a designated period
- Availability of newer or more relevant editions or formats
- Physical condition of the materials
Weeded materials may be repurposed, donated, or discarded based on the Library’s needs.
Changes in the Library’s budget may necessitate cuts or changes to subscriptions. The Library considers cost, usage, and relevance to the curriculum in making these cuts or changes.
VI. Gifts and Donations
NEIU Libraries welcomes gifts and donations that align with the collection development goals. All potential donations will be evaluated based on the same selection criteria as purchased materials. The Library reserves the right to decline or dispose of donated materials that do not meet the institution’s needs; gifts received by the Library that are not added to the collection are acknowledged by the Northeastern Illinois University Foundation, and may be sold in a book sale.
The following formats may be accepted by Library but are not typically added to the Library’s collections:
- Serials, periodicals, or other recurrent publications, unless the donation extends or backfills current collections
- Outmoded physical media (VHS, cassette tapes, CDs, floppy discs, microfilm, etc.)
- Books (or other items) bearing markings from other libraries
- Reference materials older than the current calendar year.
- Self-published and unpublished items, or materials published by vanity presses
The Library reserves the right to deselect previously accepted donations/reject donations if they are deemed obsolete, out of scope, or no longer in suitable condition for circulation.
VII. Collaboration and Resource Sharing
NEIU Libraries actively participates in CARLI, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, and works with libraries throughout Illinois to share collections and make collaborative purchases. We participate in WorldCat to share collections with libraries around the United States and the world.
VIII. Challenges
NEIU Libraries upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and the open exchange of ideas, which are fundamental to academic inquiry. We do not support the removal of books or other materials based on their content, perspective, or ideas. Instead, we recognize the value of diverse viewpoints in fostering critical thinking and robust scholarship and uphold the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights in doing so.
In alignment with our commitment to providing a balanced and inclusive collection, we are open to discussing challenges to materials in a constructive and respectful manner. Such discussions may result in the addition of materials that present alternative perspectives, ensuring that the Library remains a place where all ideas can be explored.
IX. Review and Revision of Policy
This Collection Development Policy will be reviewed biennially to ensure that it continues to reflect the academic needs and priorities of the institution, particularly in regard to supporting student success.
Approved by the faculty of the NEIU Libraries January 10, 2025.