CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
The Daniel L. Goodwin College of Education (GCOE) strives to enhance the success of its educator candidates through continuous participation in the accreditation process established by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). This website provides information to the public on the program outcomes, evidence and impact that the GCOE reports annually to CAEP in relation to four performance measures.
Most of the evidence comes from the Illinois Educator Preparation Profile (IEPP). The IEPP is a tool developed by the Illinois State Board of Education to provide accountability, continuous improvement and transparency with respect to the performance of educator preparation programs in Illinois. You can access the IEPP by completing these steps:
- Direct your web browser to Illinois Educator Preparation Profile - Institutions (
- Within the Institutions dropdown menu, select Northeastern Illinois University
- From the Program dropdown menu, select any of our initial programs. Note that you can toggle on the main page header between 2020 and 2021 data.
The scoring matrix used by the IEPP is as follows:
- Exemplary: 75 - 100% of points
- Commendable: 50 < 75% of points
- Developing: 25 < 50% of points
- Needs Improvement: 0 < 25% of points
- No Score: Not enough data
Measure 1: Initial Completer Impact and Effectiveness
The Illinois State Board of Education evaluates alumni of all Illinois higher education institutions including NEIU. There are two measures used to evaluate our alumni with respect to their performance and impact as classroom teachers.
Performance as Classroom Teachers includes evaluations of program completers in the classroom, student performance on standardized tests, and student survey data about teachers.
Demonstrated Teaching Skill includes the percentage of program completers who received ‘proficient’ or ‘excellent’ performance evaluations on observation data and student growth measures as reported by school administrators.
All of our initial teacher preparation programs with sufficient reportable data had a rating of commendable or exemplary on the performance of program completers as classroom teachers. More than 90% of our completers were able to achieve a rating of proficient or excellent on their demonstrated teaching skills.
Measure 2: (Initial and Advanced) Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
The GCOE uses a combination of data and findings from the IEPP to evaluation the satisfaction of employers. One set of data and findings comes from the category of “Performance as Classroom Teachers.” The other set comes from the category of “Contribution to State Needs.” More information about these data and findings can be found under Measure 1, above, and Measure 4, below. The combined data show that employers are very satisfied with NEIU’s program completers, as evidenced by their positive evaluations and hiring records. In fact, the school administrators that evaluate our alumni (completers) were able to achieve proficient or excellent performance evaluations over 90% of the time.
ISBE in future years will provide information on advanced programs similar to the IEPP program profiles; however, at this time we have limited data we can provide based on Educational Licensing Information System (ELIS) which only reflects public district information.
The data includes employment history which school and position information. We completed an analysis if candidates a) position changed after being entitled in their advanced area, b) if candidates have stayed more than 2 years at their current school and c) serving a high needs school/district.
In addition, many of our initial and advanced programs have constituent advisory boards. The constituents consist of alumni of our programs, teachers who serve as cooperating teachers and/or principals serving as mentors, other knowledgeable district personnel, well known professionals in the discipline and university supervisors. These advisory boards frequently tell us that our program completers are well-prepared and have the skills and competencies needed to work effectively with students of various socio-economic backgrounds.
Measure 3: (Initial and Advanced) Candidate Competency at Program Completion
In order to be licensed in the State of Illinois, candidates for licensure must pass state-required content exams. Our program candidates consistently meet or exceed the minimum score required, as indicated by our FY2022 state licensure exam data and FY2023 state licensure exam data.
The State of Illinois did require the edTPA as a mandated assessment for the licensure teacher candidates; however, effective June 18, 2020, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law Public Act 101-0643. This law waives the edTPA requirement anytime there is a public health emergency within the State of Illinois. Then on August 4, 2023 Public Act 102-388 was signed into law that eliminates the edTPA requirement through August 31, 2025. Based on this waiver, NEIU had very few teacher candidates optionally complete the edTPA assessment since Summer 2020.
Lastly, NEIU’s licensure officer reports annually the total number and percentage of candidates who met their Illinois licensure requirements and were entitled for their respective licensure areas. Click on the links below to see the Licensure Reports for FY21, FY22 and FY23.
Measure 4: (Initial and Advanced) Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared
Through data gathered in the Illinois Education Preparation Profile, each NEIU educator program is evaluated on their “Contribution to State Needs.” The following four data points are used to evaluate performance in this regard:
- a) placement in teaching,
- b) placement in high needs schools,
- c) persistence in teaching and
- d) persistence in high needs schools.
All of our licensure programs with sufficient reportable data had a rating of commendable or exemplary for these four items.
ISBE in future years will provide information on advanced programs similar to the IEPP program profiles.
The data includes employment history which school and position information. We completed an analysis if candidates a) position changed after being entitled in their advanced area, b) if candidates have stayed more than 2 years at their current school and c) serving a high needs school/district.
It is important to note that the IEPP data are purely based on program completers who stayed within the State of Illinois and work for a public school. In the future, the data will include all school types and locations.