Fall 2024 Thesis deadlines

  • Registration for thesis credit hours: Friday, Aug. 9
  • Account creation for thesis submission: Friday, Nov. 15
  • Submission of final approved thesis: Monday, Nov. 25

Spring 2025 Thesis deadlines

  • Registration for thesis credit hours: Friday, Jan. 3
  • Account creation for thesis submission: Friday, April 11
  • Submission of final approved thesis: Friday, April 25 

Summer 2025 Thesis deadlines

  • Registration for thesis credit hours: Friday, May 9
  • Account creation for thesis submission: Thursday, July 3
  • Submission of final approved thesis: Monday, July 14

Important note: Summer thesis completion must be approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.

Thesis hours registration

Important note for students: The thesis registration deadlines pertain to the date your program needs to have your forms submitted to the academic college dean's office. You and your advisor must sign off on the thesis registration form with enough time for the department chair to review the registration request and submit their approval to the dean's office by the appropriate term thesis registration deadline. It is strongly recommended, therefore, that students and advisors initiate this paperwork at least one week prior to the deadline.

Account creation for electronic thesis submission

Students must successfully access the thesis submission system and create an account prior to the submission of their thesis. Account creation does not require a completed thesis. Students are encouraged to create an account in the ETD submission system as soon as they start planning their thesis completion. 

Please review our Master's Thesis Manual and Documents page for information on formatting your thesis.


Contact your thesis advisor, program advisor or the College of Graduate Studies and Research at gradthesis@neiu.edu.