Meet our current scholars.
Michelle Vargas
I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I work in the neuropsychology lab with Dr. Shannon Saszik and I am currently examining whether the personality traits of introverts and extroverts change in different social environments. I would like to incorporate in my research the impact of people’s biology and how it might influence people’s behaviors. In the lab, I use zebrafish as a model to test my hypothesis. My professional goal is to earn a Ph.D. in psychology.
Conferences and Summer Research Experiences
Sept. 29, 2023: Podium presentation “Cultural Variation in Age Perceptions Across Cultures” at the 15th Annual Student Center for Science Engagement Research Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
April 28, 2023: Poster presentation “Does My Pet Fish Have Personality? Measuring Introversion and Extroversion in Zebrafish” at the 2023 John Sargon Albazi Research and Creative Activities Student Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Feb. 24-25, 2023: Podium presentation “Does My Pet Fish Have Personality? Measuring Introversion and Extroversion in Zebrafish” at the 2023 Illinois LSAMP Symposium, Lisle, Illinois. Won first place for podium presentation in Biology.
Summer 2023: Summer Research Experience at Michigan State University under the supervision of Dr. William Chopik, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology
Nov. 9-12, 2022: Attended virtually the 2022 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists.
Oct. 27- 29, 2022: Attended the National Diversity in STEM Conference, Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Sept. 30, 2022: Podium presentation "Personality traits: introvert and extrovert in different social environments" at the 14th Annual Student Center for Science Engagement (SCSE) Research Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Summer 2022: Summer Research Experience at Northeastern Illinois University in the laboratory of Dr. Shannon Saszik, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology.
May 6, 2022: Podium presentation “Personality traits: introvert and extrovert in different social environments” at the 2022 John Sargon Albazi Research and Creative Activities Student Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
May 6, 2022: Poster presentation “The effects of exclusion and inclusion on creativity” at the 2022 John Sargon Albazi Research and Creative Activities Student Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Mykee Vives
I am a Psychology major with a minor in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I am also the current Peer Mentor in the University Honors Program Living Learning Community, as well as a Presidential Scholar. I am currently working with Dr. Young and Dr. Church to investigate cognitive reflection in children, and am looking to pursue a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology after graduating.
Conferences and Summer Research Experiences
Sept. 29, 2023: Podium presentation “Personal Values, Personality, and Parenting Styles” at the 15th Annual Student Center for Science Engagement Research Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Summer 2023: Summer Research Experience at Northwestern University under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Tackett, Professor in the Department of Psychology
April 28, 2023: Podium presentation “The Role of Reflective Thinking and Socioeconomic Status on Children’s Social Essentialism” at the 2023 John Sargon Albazi Research and Creative Activities Student Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Nov. 9-12, 2022: Attended virtually the 2022 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists.
Sept. 30, 2022: Attended the 14th Annual Student Center for Science Engagement (SCSE) Research Symposium, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
Summer 2022: Summer Research Experience through NIH ChicagoCHEC program.
Andrea Thompson
My name is Andrea Thompson, and I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree with a major in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I work with Dr. Denana Miodragović in the Chemistry Department to develop arsenoplatin anti-cancer drugs to treat triple-negative breast cancer. My professional goal is to pursue a graduate degree in chemical and biological sciences.
Nathaniel Santiago
I’m majoring in Physics and minoring in Computer Science and Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I am also a McNair Scholar, Honors student, and Hispanic Scholarship Fund scholar. I serve as the vice president of Northeastern’s Society of Physics Students chapter, and tutor mathematics at the Learning Success Center. I am currently working with Dr. Joseph Hibdon and Dr. Emina Stojkovic to mathematically model and simulate myxobacterial growth phenomena. In addition, I do research in theoretical particle physics with Dr. Kevin McFarland at the University of Rochester. Specifically, I work on models of neutrino multi nucleon knockout interactions in MINERvA. I am passionate about all physics topics, including biophysical applications such as muon scanning technologies and quantum functions in the body and brain. I am hoping to pursue a Ph.D. in theoretical or experimental particle physics after completing my undergraduate degree.
Alicia Thompson
I am majoring in Biology and minoring in Biomathematics. I am also a McNair scholar and work as a tutor for the Center for Academic Writing. My research is in the progressive neurodegenerative disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) with Dr. Cindy Voisine where I am currently working with the Rbg-1, an autophagy gene, to see if changes to genes will improve the function of cells. I am hoping to pursue a Ph.D. in microbiology with a focus on virology once I have completed my undergraduate degree.
Antonio Aguilar
My name is Antonio Aguilar and I am a Psychology major with a minor in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I am currently working as an undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Bernadette Sanchez at UIC investigating the role of group mentoring in an after-school program and how it may affect the participating youth’s science identity. My professional goal after undergrad is to earn a Ph.D. in Community Psychology.
Stephanie Pedraza Marin
I will be obtaining my bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of Complex Systems. I am currently a McNair Scholar and University Honors Student. Over the summer I completed a Summer Research Opportunity Program on cancer research, specifically looking at Health Promotion Initiatives and Cancer Prevention through HPV Vaccination. Over the summer I was also able to gain shadowing experience through a speech pathologist. My future goal is to complete a master's and Ph.D. track in Communication Disorders to practice and conduct research in the field of speech pathology.