Undergraduate Chemistry

Academic Advising

Students interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree in chemistry are urged to contact one of the undergraduate advisors as early into their academic career as possible.

The current undergraduate chemistry advisors are Dr. Ken Nicholson, Dr. Stefan Tsonchev, and Dr. TR Weaver. Follow the links for current contact information including office hours.

Further information about the undergraduate program can be found in the Chemistry Student Handbook, which includes a transfer credit guide, recommended classes for health programs, and the proposed plan of course rotations.

Chemistry Major requirements

In addition to the NEIU general education requirements completion of a B.S. (Bachelor of Science) degree in Chemistry include:


Also 6-8 credit hours of chemistry electives choosen from the following list must be choosen:


 Finally, the following supporting courses must be taken from other departments:

other classes

American Chemical Society approved program

In 1985, Northeastern Illinois University was added to the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Approved List of baccalaureate chemistry programs in colleges and universities. Being included on the Approved List means that the chemistry curriculum meets standards established by the ACS Committee on Professional Training. Students completing the ACS track will earn a certificate stating that they have met ACS standards for professional training.

Graduating majors may receive a certificate stating that they have completed a program which meets the ACS standards for Professional Training if they fulfill the following requirements:

  •    Take Phys-206 as a prerequisite for Chem-311
  •    Take Phys-207 as a prerequisite for Chem-312  
  •    Take Chem-311 and Chem-312 during the junior year.

In addition:

  • Chem-316, Chem-330, Chem-331, Chem-347 and Chem-348 are required.
  • Chem-318 and Chem-326 do not count as electives.
  • Two additional 300-level electives must then be selected.

Completion of this program required a minimum of 50 cr. in chemistry with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and no chemistry grades below C in any required course.

Chemistry Minor Requirements

Course requirements for a minor in chemistry total 22 credit hours and include:
