Key Performance Indicator
Progress Report
Measuring Progress on the University Strategic Plan
The University Strategic Plan consists of six strategic goals and thirty-eight action steps. Key performance indicators (KPI) have been identified as important items that monitor, at a glance, progress on the strategic plan. These indicators are all quantitative in nature and are measured annually, either at the beginning of each fall term or at the end of each fiscal year (June).
Performance indicators make for an important last step to a strategic plan by measuring the outcomes of the plan – Are we making progress on our goals? Like a strategic plan, they guide decisions that are strategic rather than based on daily operations and promote campus alignment.
NEIU KPIs are housed in a KPI Progress Report. There are two levels to the report. The summary page provides a quick look at each KPI. Each indicator can also be expanded in a new page that provides greater detail. This expanded page includes a general definition, a frame of reference for the target value, frequency of measurement, and a longitudinal analysis of the indicator.
KPI Definitions
Refer to the following definitions when reviewing the KPI Progress Report and expanded pages:
Frame of Reference: The background statistics to support the target value. These can be internal or external statistics. The timeline for reviewing the target value is also included.
General Definition: A definition of the indicator
Indicator (KPI): Quantitative data which measures progress (or lack thereof) on a strategic goal. The most recent NEIU value is listed for each indicator.
Longitudinal Analysis: Past NEIU values for an indicator
Target: The indicator value for which we are striving.
Source: The source of the data. This can include surveys (NSSE, IBHE alumni), or data from NEIU offices, including Institutional Research, Finance and Administration, or Institutional Advancement.