Contact Sociology

Ph.D., Sociology, 2009, University of California, Riverside
M.A., Sociology, 2005, University of California, Riverside
B.A., Sociology, 2000, Boise State University
Johnson, Brooke. 2019. "The Erotic as Resistance: Queer Resistance at a Militarized Charter School." Critical Military Studies, Special Issue on School Militarism. DOI: 10.1080/23337486.2019.1608702
Johnson, Brooke. 2018. "Educating for War: Militarization and the Manufacturing of Consent through Public Schooling," Pp. 65-86 in The Palgrave International Handbook of School Discipline: Surveillance, Punishment and Social Control, edited by J. Deakin, E. Taylor A. Kupchik. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Johnson, Brooke. 2014. Culture and Structure at a Military Charter School: From School Ground to Battle Ground. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Johnson, Brooke. 2010. "A Few Good Boys: Masculinity at a Military-style Charter School." Men and Masculinities 12(5):575-596.
Aguirre, Jr., Adalberto and Brooke Johnson. 2005. "Militarizing Youth in Public Education: Observations from a Military-Style Charter School." Social Justice 32(3):148-162.
LWH 2085
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Ph.D., Sociology, 2007, Loyola University, Chicago
M.A., Sociology, 2003, Loyola University, Chicago
B.A., Public Relations, 1995, Columbia College, Chicago
Block, Richard, Aneta Galary, and Darryl Brice. 2007. "The Journey to Crime: Victims and Offenders Converge in Violent Index Offences in Chicago." Security Journal 20:123-137.
Block, Richard, Darryl Brice, and Aneta Galary. 2003. "Traced Firearms and Criminal Violence in Chicago." Proceedings of the Homicide Research Working Group. Chicago" Loyola University.
Galary, Aneta. 2003. Review of Violent Entrepreneurs: The Use of Force in Making of Russian Capitalism" by Vadim Volkov. Contemporary Sociology 32:587-588.
Grants and Award
Dissertation of the Year, Social Sciences, Loyola University Chicago, 2007
Arthur J. Schmitt Dissertation Fellowship, 2006-2007
Excellence in Graduate Student Research, Loyola University Chicago, 2006
LWH 2092
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Ph.D., Educational Policy Studies (concentration certificate, Gender and Women's Studies), 2010, University of Illinois at Chicago
B.A., History, 2004, University of Pennsylvania
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

As an educator, Dr. Martinez believes sociology is rewarding, applicable, and empowering. He challenges students to develop their sociological imagination and critical thinking skills so they have the tools to be informed, engaged, and empowered global citizens to make positive social changes in their own lives as well as the lives of others. As a first generation college student and former community college student, Dr. Martinez is especially interested in supporting first year college undergraduates and transfer students in cultivating basic and applied research skills. Students interested in pursuing a sociology degree at NEIU as well as collaborating on research are strongly encouraged to contact him.
Ph.D., Sociology, 2014, The University of Illinois at Chicago
M.A., Sociology, 2007, The University of Illinois at Chicago
B.A., General Sociology, 2003, Northeastern Illinois University
Room LWH 2097
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Ph.D., Sociology, 2008, Howard University
M.A., Sociology, 2004, Howard University
B.A., Sociology, 2000, Howard University
Perlow, Olivia, Durene Wheeler, Sharon Bethea & Barbara Scott (Eds.). (2018). Black Women’s Liberatory Pedagogies: Resistance, Transformation & Healing Within and Beyond the Academy. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Perlow, Olivia. (2018). “Anger as Resistance to White Supremacy within and beyond the Classroom” in Perlow, Olivia, Durene Wheeler, Sharon Bethea & Barbara Scott (Eds.) Black Women’s Liberatory Pedagogies: Resistance, Transformation & Healing Within and Beyond the Academy. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Spencer, Zoe and Perlow, Olivia. (2018). “Reconceptualizing Historic and Contemporary Violence against African Americans as Savage White American Terror (SWAT).” Journal of African American Studies, Summer 2018. DOI 10.1007/s12111-018-9399-3
Spencer, Zoe and Perlow, Olivia. (2018). “Sassy Mouths, Unfettered Spirits, and the Neo- Lynching of Korryn Gaines and Sandra Bland: Conceptualizing Post Traumatic Slave Master Syndrome and the Familiar ‘Policing’ of Black Women’s Resistance in Twenty-First-Century America.” Meridians: 17(1). DOI: 10.1215/15366936-6955175
Grants and Awards
- The Dr. Melvin Cleveland Terrell Award in Research and Literature, NEIU, 2020
- Faculty Excellence Award in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, NEIU, 2019
- Sabbatical Award, NEIU, 2015-2016
- Summer Research Award, NEIU, 2015
- Women of Color Leadership Project Award, National Women's Studies Association, 2014
- Black Heritage Committee Faculty Excellence Award, 2014
- Northeastern Programming Board’s Women’s Excellence Award, 2014 NEIU’s Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2014
- Student Choice Award, NEIU, 2013
- Pre-Doctoral Teaching Fellowship Award, Northwestern University, 2007
- Summer Research Fellowship Award, Texas State University, 2006
Room LWH 2089
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and by appointment

Ph.D., Sociology, 2005, Columbia University
M.Phil., Sociology, 1999, Columbia University
M.A., Social Sciences, 1994, University of Chicago
B.A., History, 1992, Northwestern University
Savas Kourvetaris, Andreas Y. 2011. "Ethnicity, Electoral Districts, and Candidate Narratives: The 2001 New York City Elections." International Review of Modern Sociology 37(1):127-145.
Kourvetaris, Andrew G. 2009. “Perspectives on Ethnicity, Gender, and Race and their Empirical Referents: A Four-Sided Paradigm and Critical Review.” International Review of Sociology 19(1):127-146.
Kourvetaris, Andrew G. 2008. “Ethnonational Minorities.” Pp. 467-470 in Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society, edited by R. T. Schaefer. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Kourvetaris, Andrew G. 2008. "In Memoriam: Charles Tilly.” In TG02 2008: Newsletter of the International Sociological Association’s Thematic Group # 02 on Historical and Comparative Sociology, Vol. 2.
Kourvetaris, George A. and Andrew G. Kourvetaris. 2007. <<E fese tou ethnotikou ethnikismou kai touupoethnikismou: e periptosi tis Yugoslavias>> [“The Nature of Ethnonationalism and Subnationalism: The Case of Yugoslavia”], in Τα Nέα Βαλκάνια: Η Γεωπολιτική της Διεθνούς Aσφάλειας και η Eυρωπαϊκή Oλοκλήρωση [The New Balkans: The Geopolitics of International Security and European Integration]. Revised and Expanded Greek Edition, edited by Petros P. Siousiouras, translated from the English by Ioannis A. Papademos. Athens: Erodotos.
Kourvetaris, Andrew G. 2007. “American Ethnicity and Ethnic Identity: A Research Note.” International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 44:131-142.
Kourvetaris, Andrew G. 2006. “‘Trying to Kick It Open’: A Synthesis of Narrative Politics and Campaign Strategies in the 2001 New York City Council Elections.” Journal of Political and Military Sociology 34:339-357.
LWH 2097
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Ph.D., Sociology, 1996, Northwestern University
M.A., Sociology, 1991, Northwestern University
B.A., Psychology, 1987, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2013. “ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power).” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Eds, David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
2012. (with Mary Yu Danico) Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism and Homophobia in the Academy. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
2012. “Queering the Ivory Tower: Tales of a Trouble Making Homosexual.” In Transforming the Ivory Tower: Challenging Racism, Sexism and Homophobia in the Academy. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
2011. “Men’s Responsibility to Challenge Gender Violence.” IMPACT Chicago. Two part series: August 8 & 15, 2011.
2011. “The Odyssey of the Utterly Fabulous Mario Sierra: Living in the Borderlands.” The Bilerico Project: Daily Experiments in LGBTQ. Four part series: May 3-6, 2011.
2007. “Anti-Racist Social Movements.” Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Eds. John H. Moore et al. MacMillan Reference Library.
2003. Activism Against AIDS: At the Intersections of Sexuality, Race, Gender and Class. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Press.
2003. (with Lisa Sun-Hee Park and David Naguib Pellow) “Beyond the Hollywood Hype: Using Documentary to Unmask State Oppression Against People of Color." Reversing the Lens: Crossing Cultures through Film. Eds. Lane Hirayabashi and Jun Xing. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.
2001. "Blood at the Roots: A Structural Analysis of Racist Violence." Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 38, No. 4.
2001. "Forging a Multidimensional Oppositional Consciousness: Lessons from Community Based AIDS Activism." Oppositional Consciousness: The Subjective Roots of Social Protest. Eds. Jane Mansbridge and Aldon Morris. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1999. "Social Movements and the Criminal Justice System: The Use of Repression to Undermine AIDS Activism." Criminal Justice/Social Justice: The Maturation of Critical Thought in Law, Crime and Deviance Theory. Ed. Bruce Arrigo. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press.
1995. "(Mis)Treating Prisoners with AIDS: Analyzing Health Care Behind Bars." Research in the Sociology of Health Care - Volume 12. Ed. Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld. Greenwich, CN: JAI Press Inc.
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
LWH 2089
Chicago, IL 60625
United States