Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The McCormick Foundation, in partnership with Illinois Campus Compact, has awarded Northeastern Illinois University an $8,000 2014-2015 McCormick Strategic Civic Leader Fellows grant. The grant provides an opportunity to create more connections between academic courses with student involvement in civic engagement, service learning and other experiential learning opportunities.

“The collaborative work between Student Affairs, faculty and students is exciting and will have a tremendous impact,” said Frank E. Ross, vice president for Student Affairs. “This project will lead to gains in students’ civic learning and democratic engagement, while advancing University strategic goals of student success and urban leadership.”

The grant will build on the partnerships that have been developed between Student Affairs and faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences through the Reimagining Food Initiative and involvement with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities American Democracy Project. It will increase Northeastern students’ civic engagement and expand students’ capacities to serve as active professionals and citizens in a diverse society.

“This initiative will allow us to have students effectively embody some of the most important NEIU values such as community, empowerment through learning and diversity,” said Associate Professor of Biology Pam Geddes. “Taking students outside of the classroom to become more active participants of their community and to apply course content to real-life situations is a strategy that increases their exposure to diverse experiences, nurtures their professional growth, and empowers them through personal responsibility.”

Named fellows are Ross; Wamucii Njogu, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Kris Pierre, senior director for Academic and Community Partnerships; Caleb Gallemore assistant professor of Geography and Environmental Studies; Geddes; and Tara Shedor, student majoring in Communication, Media and Theatre and member of the Northeastern Illinois University Programming Board.