Acceptance to graduate or professional schools
- Blaire Sorenson has been admitted into a M.S. Program in Materials Science at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY). She plans to begin her graduate work in Fall 2014.
- Darya Urupina has been admitted into a Ph.D. Program in Chemistry at Loyola University in Chicago. She plans to begin her graduate work in Fall 2014
- Daniel Westcott admitted and enrolled in UC Berkeley
- Marie Kroeger admitted to University of Massachusetts at Amherst
- Jared Lang is accepted to the School of Pharmacy at University of Illinois at Chicago. He will start in the fall, 2014.
- Max Goldmeier has left his job at Spherotech, Inc. He has enrolled into a Ph.D. program in Materials Science at Akron University (Akron, OH).
- Peter Carrizales, has been admitted into the UIC School of Pharmacy. He will begin his study in Fall 2014
- Svetlana Kovaleva has been admitted into the Kansas City University of Medicine and biosciences. She will begin her study on Fall 2014
- Norberto Gonzalez has been admitted to the M. S. Program in Chemistry at NEIU. He will start in the fall, 2014