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Full-Time, Marketing and Management Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6135
Courses Taught
COBM 385 Advanced Topics in Business, Topic Varies
COBM 403 Topics in Management and Marketing
MKTG 350 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 351 Consumer Behavior
MKTG 353 Marketing Research
MKTG 354 Personal Selling
MKTG 357 Sales Management
MKTG 358 International Marketing
MKTG 382 Internship in Marketing
MKTG 400 Fundamentals of Marketing
MKTG 402 Marketing Management
MKTG 451 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action
MKTG 453 Marketing Research
MKTG 456 Channel Distribution and Retailing
MKTG 458 Global Marketing
MNGT 386 Independent Study in Management
Research Interests
Marketing and Management

• D.B.A.   Mississippi State University,  Starkville, MS,  1996

• M.B.A.   Bharathidasan Institute of Management,  Trichy, India,  1990

• B.Tech   Anna University,  Madras, India,  Chemical Engineering,  1985

CBM 106
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6135
Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus