Robyn Flakne smiles into the camera.
Geography and Environmental Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5639
Urban Forestry, Green Infrastructure
Courses Taught
GES 323: Green Infrastructure Planning and Management
GES 327: Forest Resource Management
Research Interests
Application of green infrastructure to urban areas, maintenance of urban forest canopy, climate change impacts on urban forest, and public education regarding urban natural areas.

Ph.D., Forestry, University of Minnesota

M.A., Geography and Environmental Studies, Northeastern Illinios University

B.A., Biology, Augustana College

Selected Publications

Flakne, R. and R. Keller. 2012. “A Plan for Nature in Glenview”: Creating and implementing a natural resources plan at the community level. Environmental Practice 14(1):35-44.

Flakne, R.  2003. The Holocene vegetation history of Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33(6):1144-1166.

Davis, M.B., C. Douglas, R. Calcote, K. Cole, M. Winkler, and R. Flakne. 2000. Holocene climate in the western Great Lakes National Parks and Lakeshores: implications for future climate change. Conservation Biology 14 (4):968-983.

Room BBH 246
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625-4699
United States

(773) 442-5639
Office Hours
Saturday: 8:00-9:00 a.m.
Main Campus