My official expertise is in Industrial Organizational Psychology with and emphasis on Psychometrics. However I would argue it is more on figuring out solutions for problems that are present by asking questions that will provide insight into the problems.
Courses Taught
PSYC 100 Survey of Psychology
PSYC 110 Life Span Development
PSYC 302 Statistics and Research Methods II
PSYC 365 Industrial Psychology
PSYC 370 Theories of Learning
PSYC 380 Happiness
Research Interests
Good questions and interesting areas of research. Specifically I am currently focusing on increasing engagement and retention in college students. Through engaging alternative methods of teaching and creating groups or mini cohorts for new students.
Ph.D. Illinois Institute of Technology
M.S. Illinois Institute of Technology
B.A. Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Office Hours
Office BBH 307G. By appt.
El Centro
Main Campus