Karen E. Hand
Associate Professor
Health Sciences and Physical Education
College of Education
(773) 442-5568
Health and Physical Education Pedagogy
Courses Taught
PEMT 201: Principles and Methods in Physical Education
PEMT 203: Fitness Education
PEMT 231: Individual and Dual Sports
PEMT 276: Team Sports
PEMT 303: Adapted Physical Education and Recreation
PEMT 343: Foundations of Physical Education for Elementary Schools
PEMA 166: Recreational Games
PEMA 173: Volleyball
PEMA 203: Weight Training
HSCI 103: Community Health
HSCI 107: Health for Effective Living
HSCI 317: Aging, Death, and Dying
Research Interests
Physical Education Teaching Efficacy; Bullying Prevention Efficacy in Physical Education/Health; Physical Education Teaching Efficacy in a Standards-Based Environment; edTPA efficacy for Physical Education Teacher Candidates Educational Policy in Physical Education and PE Teacher Preparation Programs; Relationship of edTPA to Physical Education Teaching Efficacy and Success

Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction

M.S. Recreation, Concentration in Therapeutic Recreation

B.S. Physical Education

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed publications


Hand, K. E. (March, 2014). Building confident teachers: Pre-service physical education teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Journal of Case Studies in Education, 6, 1-9.

Hand, K. E. & Stuart, M. E. (October, 2012). Early career physical education teacher efficacy. Journal of Case Studies in Education, 4, 1-10.

Stuart, M.E. & Lieberman, L.J., Hand, K.E. (April, 2006). Parent-child beliefs about physical activity among families of children with visual impairments.  Journal of Visual Impairments and Blindness, 100(4), 223-234.

Lieberman, L., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K.E., & Robinson, B. (December, 2006). An investigation of the motivational effects of talking pedometers among youth with visual impairments and deafblindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736.

Published abstracts

Stuart, M.E., Lieberman, L.J, Hand, K.E. (2005). A qualitative investigation of the motivational effects of using a talking pedometer among children with visual impairments. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 119.

Research/Professional Presentations

Stuart, M. E. & Hand, K.E. (March 2016). Understanding Bullying in the Physical Education Setting: Bystander Efficacy, SHAPE America, Minneapolis, Minn.

Hand, K.E. (November 2015). Assessment in PE in REAL Time: Making assessments work while still in the act of teaching. Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (IAHPERD), St. Charles, Ill.

Hand, K.E. (November 2015). FLIPPED PE! – Flipping is more than a physical skill in PE. Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (IAHPERD), St. Charles, Ill.

Hand, K.E. (2014, March). Building Confident Teachers: Preservice Physical Education Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs Following Clinical and Student Teaching. AABRI International Conference, San Antonio, Texas

Hand, K.E. (2013, February). Achieving Fitness Through Adventure Activities (half day workshop), Presentation with four NEIU undergraduate PETE students. T.E.A.M. Conference, Northeastern Illinois

Hand, K.E. (2012, November). Fitness Using Adventure Activities…It Does a Body Good! Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention, St. Charles, IL. (This presentation will be co-presented with five of our UG students in leadership roles with activities and participants.)

Stuart, M.E. & Hand, K.E. (2012, March). Bullying…What Does it Look Like in Physical Education? Bullying Prevention Workshop, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Ill.

Hand, K.E. (2012, February) Intro to Achieving Fitness with Adventure Activities, Presentation with two NEIU undergraduate PETE students. T.E.A.M. Conference, Northeastern Illinois, Chicago, Ill.

Hand, K.E. (2011, November). Making Fitness Fun! Using Adventure Activities to Achieve Fitness. Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention, St. Charles, Ill. (This presentation was co-presented with six of my UG students leading activities with participants.)

Hand, K.E. (2011, October). Individual and Contextual Sources of Beginning Physical Education Teacher Efficacy. Academic and Business Research Institute Conference, Las Vegas, N.V.

Hand, K.E. (2011, February). Does Your Brain Care What Your Body is Doing? T.E.A.M. Conference, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Ill.

Stuart, M. E. & Hand, K. E. (2010, March). Coaching the Mental Side of Sport. National Convention of the American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Indianapolis, Ind.

Stuart, M.E., Lieberman, L.J., Hand, K.E. (2005, April). A qualitative investigation of the motivational effects of using a talking pedometer among children with visual impairments. Research consortium paper presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Convention, Chicago, Ill.

Stuart, M.E., Hand, K.E., & Lieberman, L.J. (2004, October). Parent-child beliefs about physical activity: An examination of families of children with visual impairments. Paper presented at the North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity, Thunderbay, Ontario.

Room PE 1137
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5568
Office Hours
Vary by semester. Also by appointment.
Main Campus