Ph.D. May 2008, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Educational Policy Studies
Ed.M., 2001, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Educational Policy Studies
B.S., 1997, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kim, J. & Pulido, I. (2015). Examining hip hop as culturally relevant pedagogy. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 12(1), 17-35.
Wilson, A., Pulido, I., Stovall, D. (2014). Inquiring into Students’ communities first as learner, then as learner, teacher, supporter. In Aviles de Bradley, A., Camargo, J., Dover, A.G., Miglietta, A., Pulido, I., Relucio-Hensler, C., Wilson, A. (Eds.), Grassroots Curriculum Toolkit 4.0. Chicago; Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce.
Farmer, S., Pulido, I., Konkol, P., Phillipo, K., Stovall, D., & Klonsky, M. (2013). CReATE research brief on school closures. (2013). Chicagoland Researchers and Educators for Transformative Education (CReATE). Chicago, IL.
Pulido, I., Cortez, G., Aviles de Bradley, Miglietta, A. & Stovall, D. (2013). Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce: Re-framing, re-imagining and re-tooling curriculum from the grassroots. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 15(2).
Pulido, I. (2009). “Music fit for us minorities”: Latinas/os use of hip hop as pedagogy and interpretive framework to negotiate and challenge racism. Equity and Excellence in Education, 42(1). Philadelphia, PA: Taylor and Francis Group.
Pulido, I. (2004) Review of New York Ricans From the Hip Hop Zone, by Raquel Z. Rivera in Latino Studies, 2(3), 439-441.
Pulido, I., Rivera, A., Aviles de Bradley, A., (under contract). Latino Schooling in Chicago. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Dr. Pulido’s research is interdisciplinary and works to expand the scholarly literature in the fields of education, youth culture, and Latina/o Studies by examining how youth navigate schooling through their particular social and cultural lenses. Her research provides an alternative perspective to much of the recent literature on urban schooling framed by a discourse surrounding testing, standardization of curriculum, and accountability, and instead focuses on developing an understanding of how youths’ multi-layered identities converge and diverge with the processes of schooling in ways that affect academic achievement.
Selected Presentations
Pulido, I., Cortez, G., Aviles de Bradley, Miglietta, A. & Stovall, D. Chicago Grassroots Curriculum Taskforce: Re-framing, re-imagining and re-tooling curriculum from the grassroots. Workshop at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Toronto, CA, March 2014.
Pulido, I., Aviles de Bradley, A., Rivera, A. Latin@ education in Chicago – past and present struggles: Navigating and resisting oppressive conditions and space. Paper presented at the LatCrit Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2013.
Aviles de Bradley, A., Pulido, I., Stovall, D., & Miglietta, A. Building a Grassroots Curriculum Movement. Presentation at the Free Minds, Free People Conference, July 2013, Chicago.
Kim, J. & Pulido, I. Examining hip hop music as culturally relevant. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.
Pulido, I. & Depouw, C. Situating Critical Race Studies in Education: CRT in the Midwest. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. April 2012.
Pulido, I. “Shit is fucked up but this is what makes us stronger”: Examining Latina/o youth’s use of socially conscious hip hop music as a vehicle for social justice activism in Chicago. Paper presented at the National Association of Chicano and Chicana Scholars Association, Chicago, IL, March, 2012.
Pulido, I. Latino youths’ use of hip hop music to challenge racism. (Invited). Paper presented at the University of Southern Indiana’s Sixth Annual Equity and Diversity Conference, Evansville, April 15, 2011.
Tanabe, C, Lee, S.J., Theobald, P.G., Knight-Diop, M.G., & Pulido, I. (Invited to Presidential Panel.) Meaningful Connections: Social Networks as a Policy Focus in Complex Educational Ecologies. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, April 30-May 4, 2010.
Pulido, I. Meaning making and making action: Hip hop music and the production of civic identities. Paper presented at the Critical Race Studies in Education Association Annual Conference, May Salt Lake City, Utah. May 2010.
Twyman Hoff, P., Evans-Winters, V., Nur-Awaleh, M., & Pulido, I. Education and the Diffusion of Responsibility: Social Justice as Pedagogy. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference. Illinois State University, Normal, IL. January, 2010.
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