Dr. Hua Bai
Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies
College of Education
(773) 442-5248
Courses Taught
EDFN 343: Using Technology in Classrooms
EDFN 441: Digital Literacy: Learning and Leadership
EDFN 443: Integrating Media Technology into Elementary Classroom
EDFN 452: Technology in Content Area Teaching
HRD 315: Computer Utilization in Human Resource Development
HRD 490: Multimedia Application and Design
Research Interests
Computer technology use in learning environments, Communication and participation in online learning, and Student’s problem-solving in instructional design

Ph.D. Purdue University

Selected Publications

Bai, H. (2022). Students’ use of learning management system in hybrid learning: Mobile or not. International Journal on E-learning, 22(1), 5-23.

Bai, H. (2019). Student perceptions of learning digital literacy online in a leadership program. In E. Alqurashi (Ed.), Handbook of research on fostering student engagement with instructional technology in higher education (pp. 346-366). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Bai, H. (2019). Preparing teacher education students to integrate mobile learning into elementary education. TechTrends, 63, 723-733. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-019-00424-z

Bai, H. (2019). Pedagogical practices of mobile learning in K-12 and higher education settings. TechTrends, 63, 611-620. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-019-00419-w

Bai, H. (2018). Preparing teacher education students to use instructional technology in an asynchronous blended course. In D. Polly, M. Putman, T. M., Petty & A. J. Good (Eds.), Innovative practices in teacher preparation and graduate-level teacher education programs (pp. 603-619). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Dr. Bai has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in instructional technology, ranging from applying technology to teaching and learning in K-12 education contexts to advanced instructional design. Her recent research focuses on strategies that are employed to facilitate teacher education students’ learning about technology integration.

Room LWH 3007
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5248
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 12-2 p.m.
Tuesday: 12-1 p.m.
Main Campus