Garo Agopian smiles into the camera.
Assistant Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6130
Courses Taught
MKTG 350 Principles of Marketing
MKTG 359 Marketing Management
MKTG 361 Social Media Marketing
Research Interests
Social Media, Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing, Expertise and Influence

Ph.D. in Marketing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 2019  
M.B.A., Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 2014    
B.B.A., Haigazian University, Lebanon, 2010 

Selected Publications

Jeffrey F. Durgee, Garo Agopian, (2018) "Refurbishing services and how services enhance consumer wellbeing", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 32 Issue: 3, pp. 311-321

(773) 442-6130
Office Hours
Posted on office door. Contact via email or phone.
Main Campus