Essam Elshafie
Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6118
Courses Taught
ACTG 307 Auditing Theory and Problems
ACTG 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 407 Auditing Theory and Practice
ACTG 409 Forensic and Investigative Accounting
ACTG 430 Research Methodology in Accounting
Research Interests
Audit Quality, Auditors Conservatism, Auditors Litigation Risk, Financial Performance Measures, Earnings Management, Executive Compensation, and Accounting Information Value Relevance

Ph.D. in Accounting with International Business Minor, December 2005, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Selected Publications

Elshafie, E.  2016. Litigation Risk, Auditor Tenure, and Auditor Specialization and Their Effect on Reporting Quality. American Journal of Finance and Accounting.

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2011. Differences in Earnings Management Patterns between Not-For-Profit and For-Profit Hospitals. Forthcoming in American Journal of Business Research 4 (1).

Elshafie, E., A. Yen, and M. Yu. 2010. The Association between Pro Forma Earnings and Earnings Management.  Review of Accounting and Finance 9 (2):  139-155.

Yen, A., and E. Elshafie. 2009. Value Relevance of Quarterly Accounting Information in Good Times and Bad Times.  Journal of Global Business Development 2 (1):  100-109.  

Alam, P., E. Elshafie, and D. Jarjoura. 2008. The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Financial Performance of Hospitals. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 12 (3): 37-52.

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2008. Are Investors Still Misled by Pro Forma Earnings After Financial Reporting Regulations? Journal of International Business and Economics 8 (2): 62-70. 

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2008. Pro Forma Earnings and Executive Compensation in High-Versus Low-Tech Firms.  Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy 9 (3):  333-370.

CBM 175
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6118
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 3:30-5:30 p.m. or by appointment
Main Campus