Ph.D., Geography, University of Washington
M.A., Geography, Southern Illinois University
M.A., Journalism, Southern Illinois University
B.A., Journalism, Southern Illinois University
B.A., Advertising, Southern Illinois University
“Adrift and Focused in Academia: The Chair's Role,” in The Department Chair 23:1 pp 8-10, Summer 2012
“Segregation by Class Within Racial/Ethnic Groups in Chicago,” Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society. Spring 2011 52:1 p 1-21
“Distribution of Multicolored Asian Ladybird Beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coccinellidae) across Illinois,” Moneen M. Jones and Erick Howenstine Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society Fall 2008 50:2 1-19
“Grassland Birds: The Cook County Nesting Season Bird Census,” Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society Sanders, Elizabeth and Erick Howenstine Fall 2003
Expectations and Reality: A Case Study of Mexican Migration to Eastern Washington. Migration World* No.1 / 2: 1996 pp 16-19.
"Measuring Demographic Change: The Split Tract Problem," The Professional Geographer November, 1993.
"Market Segmentation for Recycling", Environment and Behavior, January, 1993. 25:1, 86-102.
"20 Years of Media and Development in Latin America: Trajectories by Canonical Correlation". Gazette: International Journal of Mass Communication Studies: Amsterdam Feb. 1991.
"Applications of a Poster Assignment as a Teaching Device in Geography," Journal of Geography in Higher Education, October 1988: E. Howenstine, I. Hay, E. Delaney, J. Bell, F. Norris, A. Whelan, M. Pirani, T. Chow and A. Ross. pp 139-147
"Environmental Reporting: Shift from 1972 to 1980" Journalism Quarterly, January 1988. pp 842-845
"Suburbanization and Segregation in Chicago" Chapter, In EthniCity. (1996). C. Roseman, G. Thieme, and H. D. Laux, eds. Rowman and Littlefield p. 31-50
Using GIS to Reduce Automobile Traffic: A Case Study of University Commuters, Proceedings. Metropolitan Conference on Public Transportation Research. June 17, 1994
"Towards a Schematic Model of Communications Media and Development in Latin America" In Collapsing Space and Time: Geographic aspects of communication and information. S. Brunn and T. Leinbach, eds. London: Harper Collins 1991 pp 278-301 (chapter 13)
Misperception of Destination Encouraging Migration of Mexican Labor to Yakima Valley, Washington. Dissertation, University of Washington 11/3/89.
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