Conservation biology
Restoration ecology
M.S. in Plant Biology and Conservation from Northwestern University
B.A. in Environmental Studies from Knox College
Yost, J. L., L. M. Egerton-Warburton, K. M. Schreiner, C. E. Palmer, and A. E. Hartemink. (2016). Impact of Restoration and Management on Aggregation and Organic Carbon Accumulation in Urban Grasslands. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 80:992-1002. doi:10.2136/sssaj2015.10.0383
Middleton, E. L., S. Richardson, L. Koziol, C.E. Palmer, Z. Yermakov, J. A. Henning, P. A. Schultz, and J. D. Bever. (2015). Locally adapted arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve vigor and resistance to herbivory of native prairie plant species. Ecosphere 6(12):276. doi:10.1890/ES15-00152.1
Yost, J., C. Palmer, and L. M. Egerton-Warburton. (2014). The contribution of soil aggregates to carbon sequestration in restored urban grasslands. In: A. Hartemink and K. McSweeney (Eds.) Progress in Soil Science Series: Soil Carbon (147-154). Heidelburg, Germany: Springer.
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