World Englishes
Second Language Acquisition
Arts Integration for Language Teaching
Liberatory Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Arizona State University; 2014; The Use and Perception of English in Brazilian Magazine Advertisements.
M.A. Applied Linguistics, University of Massachusetts Boston; 2007, emphasis on English as a Second Language.
B. A. English, University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2003
Certificate in Latin American Studies. Colegio Hispano Continental, Salamanca (Spain); 2003; Spanish Language & Culture Summer Program.
Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. L. G. (Eds.). (2023). Global perspectives on effective assessment in English language teaching. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8213-1
Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2023). Linguistic mediation strategies for promoting equity and social change in the bilingual education classroom. In A. Esmail (Ed.), English language learners: A social change perspective. National Association for Multicultural Education.
Montes, A. L. G., & Fernández Álvarez, M. (2022). Planting seeds: Pre-service teachers explore the legacies of Projeto Axé and Projeto Semear. In S. R. Barros & L. C. Oliveira (Eds.), Paulo Freire and multilingual education: Theoretical approaches, methodologies, and empirical analyses in language and literacy (1st ed.). Routledge.
Fernández Álvarez, M., Paz- Albo, J., Hervás-Escobar, A., & Montes, A. L. G. (2022). Bilingual education teachers’ perceptions of the educational climate and policies in the United States and Spain. Revista Complutense de Educación.
Fernández Álvarez, M. & Montes, A. (2021). Student engagement in the online classroom. In REDINE (Ed.). Conference proceedings EDUNOVATIC 2020 (p. 344). Adaya Press.
Montes, A., Valenciano, C. & Fernández, M. (2018). Training bilingual educators at a PBI. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 13(1).
Montes, A. L. G. (2016). English in Brazil: A sociolinguistic profile. Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice, 8(1).