Alvin David Farmer
Associate Professor
African and African American Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5849
Clinical Psychology
Courses Taught
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Personality
Psychopathology of Childhood
Theory and Methods of Individual Therapy
Introduction to Group Therapy
Laboratory of Research Methods: Personality Development
Research Interests
High-risk youth and the mental health interventions with children, specifically disruptive behavior disorders and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University

B.A. Morehouse College

Selected Publications

Abdul-Adil, J., Drozd, O., Irie, I., Riley, R, Silas, A., Farmer, Jr. A., & Tolan, P. (2009).  University-community mental health center collaboration: Encouraging the dissemination of empirically-based treatment and practice. The Community Mental Health Journal, 46(5), 417-422.

Sarah Pekoc, MA., Jaleel Abdul-Adil, PhD., Alvin Farmer, PhD (2017). Treating Violence Exposure: A Case Study Using Community and Evidenced-Based Practices in Chicago. Poster session presented at the Cultural Impact Conference at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

Jaleel Abdul-Adil, A. David Farmer Jr., Gibson, L., & Liza Suarez, (2018). Hip-Hop H.E.A.L.S. (H3) Clinical Intervention Manual for Child Trauma and Community Violence Exposure (First Edition). 

Jaleel Abdul-Adil, A. David Farmer Jr., & Liza Suarez, (2018). Hip-Hop H.E.A.L.S. (H3) Prevention Manual for Child Trauma and Community Violence Exposure (First Edition).


Child and Family Clinical Psychologist

Additional Information

Dr. Farmer is a licensed clinical psychologist who provides clinical services to children and families. His goal is to develop clinical interventions that address the mental health outcomes of violence exposure and trauma and is especially interested in examining evidence-based clinical interventions with Disruptive Behavior Disorders and trauma and violence exposure.

BBH 307 H
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5849
Office Hours
By appointment. Please email.
Main Campus