The Master of Science in Teaching and Inquiry (MSTI) program is for teachers interested in developing and expanding their craft, knowledge and skills for teaching in the 21st century. The MSTI program is open to K-8 teachers with a minimum of two years of teaching in their own classroom.
- ELED 506 Research Methodologies for Classroom Teachers, 3 cr.
This course is a general survey of qualitative and quantitative research methods in educational research. The aim of this course is to develop candidates’ abilities to design and conduct classroom-based inquiry related to teaching and learning. This course is designed to make candidates knowledgeable consumers of academic research. The survey of methods includes a brief analysis of paradigms in qualitative and quantitative research, a discussion of the inquiry process, and a synthesis of research designs including survey, narrative, experimental, ethnographic, correlation, case study and action research. Action research design is discussed in detail.
- Elective 1
- ELED 525 New Literacies for the 21st Century, 3 cr.
This course explores how the ideas and understandings of “literacy” have changed and evolved over the past century, the new literacies that are vital to life in the 21st century, and strategies for teaching those literacies. This course develops an understanding of designing curriculum and strategies for teaching critical thinking skills, collaboration, problem-solving skills, media, technology, and information literacy, creativity and imagination, innovative thinking, civic, multicultural, and global literacy, critical literacy, environmental literacy, and systems thinking. The course will begin to study the theory and practice of inquiry-based, project-based and problem-based teaching and learning, as well interdisciplinary curriculum and different forms of 21st century assessment, such as student exhibitions and presentations.
- Elective 2
- ELED 520 Curriculum and Inquiry, 3 cr.
This course is an overview of curriculum theory, development, design and implementation for the experienced classroom teacher. The focus is on understanding the theory and practice of inquiry-based and project-based curriculum across subject disciplines, authentic literacy, and finding and using interesting and diverse real-world resources. Course emphasis is also on the history of curriculum development and schooling, and creating a multicultural, critical and creative curriculum that integrates technology, the arts, critical thinking and standards. Students will critique and analyze their school curriculum and resources, and design curricular units for their own classroom.
- Elective 3
- BLBC 439 Ethnic Diversity in Schools, 3 cr.
This course is an analysis of various aspects of social and cultural diversity in society focusing on the development of richer and more systematic interpretations of the foundations of multicultural educational history, philosophy, policy and practice. The course aims to develop the ability to understand and describe how educational problems are often rooted in and are symptomatic of social arrangements extending well beyond the classroom into families, communities, and local, national and global economics and politics.
- ELED 507 Action Research Seminar, 1 cr. (seminar meets right before or after BLBC 439)
Candidates will design an action research plan that involves identifying a significant problem related to student learning in their current classroom. Candidates will locate and review relevant research on the designated problem, and design an intervention plan that will allow the candidate to examine the impact of instructional procedures or interventions on student learning. Candidates will develop reflective decision-making in using data to improve learning in elementary classrooms.
- Elective 4
- ELED 508 Action Research Project, 3 cr.
This course guides students through finalizing their action research design, implementing that design, collecting data, analyzing their data, and writing their action research paper. Students will implement their action research project in their classroom with a focus on understanding the process of data collection and analysis. Students will write their project as a major paper (including the literature study they completed in ELED 507 Action Research Design Seminar), and formally present their project as a PowerPoint to the class. This is a thesis-model hybrid course with some of the work and feedback given online and in conferences with the Instructor.
- Elective 5
Read the Course Descriptions.