Wayne State University
Counselor Education and Supervision, Ph.D.
Wayne State University
Counseling and Rehabilitation Counseling, M.A.
University of Michigan
Psychology and Sociology, B.A.
Tavakoli, S., & Wu, J. R. (2022). The Mediation Effect of Posttraumatic Perception between
Self-esteem and PTSD among Student Veterans. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 1-16.
Tavakoli, S., Miller, R. M., Luke, C., Field, T. A., & Weigold, I. K. (2020). Publishing in the
Journal of Mental Health Counseling: A Guide for Authors.
Johansen, A., Kristiansen, E., Bjelland, I., Tavakoli, S. (2019). Secondary Traumatic Stress in
Norwegian SUD- Therapists: Symptoms and Related Factors. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Doi:
Darnell, F.J., Johansen, A., Tavakoli, S., Brugnone, N. (2016). Adoption and Identity
Experiences among Adult Transnational Adoptees: A Qualitative Study. Adoption Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/10926755.2016.1217574
Johansen, A. Tavakoli, S., Bjelland, I. E, Lumely, M. (2015). Constructivist Simultaneous
Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, Trauma, and Addiction Comorbidity: A Qualitative Case Study. Qualitative Health Research. doi: 10.1177/1049732315618659
Tavakoli, S., Chen, M., Zook, N., Bethea, S. (2015). Attachment, Combat Exposure, and
Posttraumatic Cognitions as Predictors of PTSD and PTG in Veterans. Journal of Military and Government Counseling, 3 (2), 113 - 130.
Tavakoli, S., Zook, N., Hull, G. (2015). Multicultural Considerations for Counseling
Military Personnel and Veterans with Co-occurring PTSD and SUD. Kentucky Counseling Association Journal, 1(1), 19 -33.
Hijazi, A.M., Tavakoli, S., Slavin-Spenny, O.M., & Lumley, M.A. (2011). Targeting interventions: Moderators of the effects of assertiveness training and expressive writing on the adjustment of international university students. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 33, 101-112.
Tavakoli, S., Lumley, M., Hijazi, A., Slavin, O. & Parris, G. (2009) Effects of assertiveness training and expressive writing on acculturative stress in international students: A randomized trial. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56, 590-596.
Coven, A., Araujo, J., Van Hall, K., Tavakoli-Moayed, S., Collins, A., Enwiya, J., Boyes, K. (2007). Teaching a doctoral course in consultation: A parallel process. Dimensions of Counseling, 34(1).
Tavakoli, S. (March-April 2023). Self-Compassion for Survivors of Trauma. Presented at the
American Counseling Association Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada
Tavakoli, S. (November, 2022). Addressing Secondary Traumatic Stress in Training Counselors. Presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference in Lisle, IL.
Tavakoli, S. (October, 2021). The Role of Self-Compassion in Counseling Survivors of
Childhood Trauma. Presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference in Lisle, IL.
Tavakoli, S. (June 2021). Self-Compassion for Trauma Survivors. Presented at the American
Mental Health Counseling Association. Live virtual presentation.
Tavakoli, S. & Tejada, L. (February 2021). Compassionate Teaching Strategies. Center for
Teaching and Learning Invited presentation. Live virtual presentation.
Tavakoli, S. (November 2020). Application of Crisis Counseling Interventions with Divers
Clients. Presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference. Pre
recorded Virtual.
Tavakoli, S. (October 2019). Integrating Neuroscience into Clinical Supervision: A Phase-Based
Model. Presented at the American Counselor Educator and Supervision Conference,
Seattle, WA.
Tavakoli, S. (November 2018). The Role of Neuroscience in Training Crisis and Trauma
Counselors. Presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Itasca, IL.
Tavakoli, S., Lipkin, G. (November 2017). Supervision of Trauma Counselors: A Neuroscience based Approach. Presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Lisle, Ill.
Schwartzbaum, S. & Tavakoli, S. (November, 2017). Couples counseling with veterans: One size does not fit all. Presented the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Lisle, Ill.
Tavakoli, S., Lipkin, G. (October, 2017). Essentials of Neuroscience in Training Trauma Counselors. Presented at the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors Annual Conference, Chicago, Ill.
Schwartzbaum, S. & Tavakoli, S. (March, 2017). Couples counseling with veterans: One size does not fit all. Presented the Illinois Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, Northbrook, Ill.
Tejada, L., Tavakoli, S., Bloom, Z. (January, 2017). Compassionate Grading: Responding to the student, respecting the standards. Presented at the NEIU Lead and Learn Symposium. Chicago, Ill.
Tavakoli, S. (April, 2016). Counseling Clients with Complex Trauma and Addiction. One hour workshop presented at the American and Canadian Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec
Tavakoli, S., Zook, N. (July, 2016). Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress & Posttraumatic Growth Among Military Veterans: Research and Clinical Implications. One hour workshop presented at the American and Canadian Counseling Association Annual Conference, Montréal, Québec
Tavakoli, S. (July 2016). Simultaneous Treatment for Clients with Complex Trauma and Addiction. 90-minute workshop presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, La.
Tavakoli, S. (July 2016). Simultaneous Treatment for Clients with Complex Trauma and Addiction. 90-minute workshop presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, La.
Tejada, L. & Tavakoli (July 2016). Basics of Developmental Supervision. Workshop presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, La.
Tavakoli, S. (April, 2015). A Rational for Emotion-Focused Treatment for Comorbid Substance Use Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress. Presented as part of a 90-minute symposium at the IV International Congress of CIPD, Barcelona, Spain
Tavakoli, S. (November, 2015). Counseling Clients with Complex Trauma and Addiction. One hour workshop presented at the Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Skokie, Ill.
Tavakoli, S & Tejada, L (July, 2015). Conceptualizing Complex Interpersonal Trauma Through the AN-CABS Model of Assessment and Treatment Planning. A 90- minute workshop presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Penn.
Tavakoli, S., Zook, N. & Tejada, L (July, 2015). Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress & Posttraumatic Growth Among Military Veterans: Research and Clinical Implications. A 90-minute workshop presented at the American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Penn.
Tavakoli, S. & Zook, N. (March, 2015). Risk and Predictor Factors for PTSD and PTG in Military Veterans: A Strength-based Paradigm. A one-hour workshop presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Fla.
Tejada, L. & Tavakoli (March, 2015). Basics of Developmental Supervision. A 1.5-hour presentation at the Illinois Association for Marriage & Family Therapy Annual Conference, Naperville, Ill.
Tavakoli, S., (March, 2014). “Attachment and relational trauma: Neurobiological and social-cognitive considerations”. Illinois Counseling Association-Southern Conference, Collinsville, Ill.
Tavakoli, S., & Hall, G. (July 2013). “Counseling Considerations for Working with Ethnically Diverse Military Personnel and Veterans with PTSD”. A one-hour presentation at the National Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Tavakoli, S., & Hall, G. (December 2012). “Counseling Considerations for Working with Ethnically Diverse Military Personnel and Veterans with PTSD”. A workshop presented at the Chicago Counseling Association meeting
Hall, G. & Tavakoli, S. (November 2012). Counseling LGBT Military Personnel and Veterans with PTSD, poster session. Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Springfield, IL Springfield, Ill.
Tavakoli, S. & Hall, G. (November 2012). “Ethnic Differences in Military Personnel and Veterans with PTSD, poster session. Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference, Springfield, Ill.
Tavakoli, S., Hall, G., and Gilliam, N. (November 2012). Ethnic Differences in Military Personnel and Veterans with PTSD. Workshop presented at Argosy University Counselor Education & Supervision Department, Chicago, Ill.
Hull, G., & Tavakoli, S. (July 2012). A Review and implications for counseling military personnel and veterans with PTSD. American Mental Health Counseling Association Annual Conference. Orlando, Fla.
Tavakoli, S., & Hall, G. (November, 2011). Strategies and implications for decreasing counseling students’ anxiety and increasing self-efficacy. Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference. Skokie, Ill.
Hall, G., & Tavakoli, S. (November 2011). A Review and implications for counseling military personnel and veterans with PTSD. Illinois Counseling Association Annual Conference. Skokie, Ill.
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