asian male with dark short hair, smiling and wearing a red collared buttondown shirt
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6123
Data privacy preservation, recommender systems, computer science and higher education, fintech
Courses Taught
CS-319 Fundamentals of Software Engineering
CS-335 Artificial Intelligence
CS-322 Applied Research and Statistical Analysis
CS-422 Data Mining
CS-351 Data Wrangling
CS-321 Server-Side Web Development
Research Interests
• Computational Finance
• Software Development
• Fintech and Artificial Intelligence

Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology
M.S., Osaka University

Room CBT 121
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6123
Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus