Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 301 Cost Accounting I
ACTG 400 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACTG 402 Managerial Accounting
ACTG 412 Accounting for Planning and Control
MKTG 354 Personal Selling
MKTG 360 Marketing Channels
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance
• Ph.D. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Accounting, 1981
• M.B.A. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, Accounting, 1970
• B.Sc. University of Ghana, Ghana, Africa, Accounting & Economics, 1968
CBM 136
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus