Deb Faermark, Ph.D.
Instructor, TED Summer Graduate Advisor, ECACE Mentor
Teacher Education
College of Education
(312) 447-9841
Courses Taught
ECED 327: Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education: Kindergarten To 2nd Grade
ECED 328F: Clinical Experiences In Early Childhood Education/ Special Education Emphasis
ECED 329: Student Teaching In Early Childhood
ELED 304: Inquiry-Based Social Studies In The Elementary Grades
ELED 428: Clinical Teaching
ELED 428C: Clinical Teaching: Content Areas
MLED 428A/B: Clinical Experience: Literacy In The Middle Grade/English Learners
MLED 428C: Clinical Experience Endorsement Areas In The Middle Grades
MLED 416: Social Studies As Inquiry In The Middle Grades
ELED 506: Research Methodologies For Classroom Teachers.
ELED 507: Action Research Design Seminar
Research Interests
Exploring the roles of administrators with regard to co-teaching, collaboration, and inclusion. Specifically, the impact that professional development trainings on co-teaching and collaboration for administrators have on their ability to provide feedback to co-teachers in order to support and improve their co-teaching practices.

Ph.D., Special Education

C.A.S. Special Education

M.A.T Elementary Education

B.S. Communication Disorders and Sciences

Selected Exhibitions

Faermark, D.L. (2018, December). Disability Awareness and Successful Inclusion Supports.

Workshop Presentation at the Association of Illinois Middle-Grade Schools (AIMS) Conference.

Faermark, D.L. (2018, November). Successful Administrator Supports for Co-Teachers in the Inclusive Classroom. Paper presentation at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council of Exceptional Children.

Faermark, D.L. (2018, March). Successful Supports for Co-Teachers. Paper presentation at the South by Southwest (SXSW) EDU Conference.

Faermark, D.L. & Zeitlin, J.M. (2017, November). Administrator Supports for Co-Teachers in the Inclusive Classroom. Paper presentation at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council of Exceptional Children.

Faermark, D.L. (2008, November; 2010, November). Differentiated Curriculum in the Classroom for All Learners, Invited Presenter New Teacher Workshop, Governor’s State University.

Faermark, D.L. (2008, December). Disability Awareness Through Simulations, Workshop presentation at the Association of Illinois Middle-Grade Schools (AIMS) Conference.

Wakefield D.S. & Faermark, D.L. (2014, January). Google Drive: A Tool for Collaboration, Co-Teaching and Classroom Connections. Workshop presentation at the Assistive Technology Industry Association.

Room LWH 2067
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(312) 447-9841
Office Hours
Virtual, by appointment.
Main Campus