The Summer Transition Program is open to first-year Northeastern Illinois University students accepted for the Fall semester to CCICS, El Centro and the main campus.
Getting Started
You must take the University placement exam and place into developmental math and/or writing to be considered for participation.
Visit Testing Services or call (773) 442-5293 to learn about Testing Services.
STP students also attend an Orientation day specifically designed for them before STP starts. Visit Orientation or call (773) 442-5476 to learn about the Orientation schedule.
IMPORTANT: In order to access the STP application, you need your NEIU log in and password.
Program Expectations
- Students must attend all six-weeks of Summer Transition Program and both Welcome event and Closing ceremony.
- Students must attend all classes, workshops and each day for all six weeks.
- Students must submit all assignments, homework and projects on a timely manner in order to get full points.
- Students must adhere to all the above mentioned policies otherwise they may be withdrawn from the program.