If you are interested in studying abroad, download the Study Abroad Interest Form and select at least two universities you are interested in studying abroad at. Then, make an appointment to meet with Michael Nance, NEIU's Study Abroad Advisor, to discuss your aim and intentions. His email address is m-nance@neiu.edu.

During the meeting, you will get a detailed explanation of the entire application process. It will involve coordination with your Academic Advisor, and, if necessary, a financial aid advisor as well.

Study Abroad eligibility requirements: 

  • Must have a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA to be eligible. 

  • Must have attended one academic year at Northeastern Illinois University.

    • Transfer students: Must be enrolled at least one semester at NEIU.

Financial Aid

If you are receiving financial aid, you must complete the Financial Aid Worksheet with Michael. He will then give you instructions for taking it to a specific Financial Aid Advisor at NEIU.

Nomination and Application Process

If you are eligible and/or have filled out the Financial Aid Worksheet, the Study Abroad advisor will nominate you to the partner university. Check your email as the partner university will contact you to fill out the application so you can receive the letter of admission. It is important that you check your email to complete the application in a timely manner, as partner universities have deadlines. If you missed the deadline, then you will no longer be able to study abroad until the following semester. Reach out to your Study Abroad advisor to make sure everything in the application is filled out correctly.


During your nomination process, you should have obtained a passport or have submitted an application to obtain a passport. Obtaining a passport at the last minute can be costly for expedited services, or may require appointments with the passport agency. For more information visit travel.state.gov to learn how to apply for a passport.

Course Approval

Once you are admitted to the partner university, you will be able to view and choose courses through the partner university course catalog. You will work with Michael and your academic advisor to choose at least eight courses* for you to take during your semester abroad, in order to guarantee that you have flexibility in case some of the courses are no longer offered.

Once you have chosen your courses, Michael will give you forms for you and your academic advisor to sign for each of the classes. He will also give you a code to use so that you can register for a "Study Abroad Class" in NEIU's system for while you are gone.

This has to be done because you will only be paying NEIU tuition while you are abroad, not the tuition of the host university.

*Please note that not all universities will have courses taught in English. 


You will be in communication with your partner university in regard to your new living situation. Each university will have a different housing situation.

Visa Procedure

Depending on the country where you are studying abroad, you may be required to apply for and obtain a student visa. In order to obtain one, apply at the embassy of the country where you are studying. Visit travel.state.gov online and enter the travel destination to see if you need a student visa.  

Pre-Departure Meeting

There will be a required Pre-Departure Meeting for you to attend before you leave. It will contain very important information you will need while abroad. Michael will inform you when this meeting will be.